Finding an Experienced Rooflight Installer

Fitting rooflights is difficult. There is so much to think about – making the area watertight and airtight, ensuring a neat and tidy finish, preparing everything properly, using the right tools, having enough people on hand to help… the list goes on. If you’ve not fitted a rooflight before, you are best calling on a professional to help you. Here are some tips for finding the right person for the job:

  • Ask around. If your neighbours have rooflights or skylights, ask them who fitted theirs and whether they would recommend them.
  • Look at websites that you trust. There are many directories available that will list out qualified, experience tradesmen along with their contact details.
  • Check reviews. People will often leave reviews about the service that they receive, so filter down the reviews to find the positive ones. Get in touch with the people mentioned to ask for advice, especially if they have multiple positive reviews.
  • Choose a rooflight company who offer installation. This way, you will know that the work is guaranteed and is being carried out by people who are experienced.