The Best Materials for Heat Energy Retention

Retaining heat inside of your home and limiting how much is capable of leaking out of it, is both a method for limiting how much greenhouse gasses your home and lifestyle is contributing to the environment and a great way to reduce your monthly energy bill.

There are a variety of building methods which create great environments for the retention of heat. A home’s ability to retain heat is based upon two factors; the architecture, and the materials used in the building.

Heat retention is in turn done through two methods; by creating an insulative barrier (the most common method) by using insulating wool, or by using heavy materials like rock and concrete which can act as heat sinks; absorbing heat during the day and releasing it throughout the night.

The first method is in use in most homes throughout the UK, and can be very effective. When you compare it to a home which uses the second option very effectively though, it is arguably slightly inferior. This is because using insulating wool still requires you to heat up your home with central heating, while the second option will regularly see homes built to remain habitable even without heating.